News Server Access By Web Browser (newsbyweb)


What is it?

What does it look like?

What do I need to try it? Logo
Hosted by SourceForge

What is it?

newsbyweb is a Perl application running on an Apache web server giving authenticated users simple access to a news server carrying Usenet newsgroups. newsbyweb requires Apache mod_perl.

What does it look like?

The following screenshot shows the framed layout of the user's web page for news access.


What do I need to try it?

  • Perl 5.6.0 or later
  • Apache with mod_perl (and admin access to it)
  • A closed user community represented by a DB file suitable for Apache user and group authentication and additionally containing e-mail addresses
  • Access to a Usenet server

Lothar Schumacher
Last modified: Fri Jun 22 07:12:32 MEST 2001